Importing .qif File Into Quicken Deluxe 2018

ImportQIF - Release Notes Windows only product.

Importing qif files into quicken
Note I'm not associated with Quicken, I'm just a Quicken user providing a solution to a problem.
It has been 10 years since I first made ImportQIF available. I would like to thank all the people that have supported it by purchasing a license. For the 10 year anniversary I have decided to make ImportQIF completely free.My gift to the Quicken community. Please download and install the new version.
Note that the install procedure has changed, you can find the new procedure here:
Installing ImportQIF
The most basic purpose of ImportQIF is to add the account name and type to a QIF file to bypass the restriction in Quicken Windows US that only allows importing into asset and liability accounts. It also has options for translating dates, and decimal separator, and swapping the payee and memo fields. The default is to register ImportQIF as the default QIF file handler, so that when you open a QIF from your web browser or File Explorer, ImportQIF will be run and you can select one button to save the converted QIF to your desktop. There is support to translate non US dates in QIF files to US dates. This part of this program is free for you to use as long as you like.
Also ImportQIF adds the advanced features of automatically importing the converted QIF file into Quicken and also to convert from OFX (MS Money), QFX, CSV, Excel files into QIF files. Please note that at present conversions from OFX/QFX are not supported for loan/liability accounts.
Limited support for importing investment transactions through OFX/QFX/CSV/Excel format(This part of the Advanced options, and Excel file imports require Excel to be on the machine).
Ability to convert from a CSV or Excel file to a QFX file instead of a QIF file. Note to use a QFX file your version of Quicken has to be supported by Quicken Inc. What's more there are several restrictions that the QFX mode imposes. The QFX format doesn't support categories or split transactions. And the US version of Quicken will only allow importing for the USD currency. The Canadian version can import in different currencies like CAD and USD.
But using the QFX format will allow for matching of transactions and using Quicken's system for filling in the categories even in the latest versions of Quicken which have dropped these features for QIF file imports.
You can find the DOCUMENTATION for ImportQIF here, it is suggested you read it before installing ImportQIF.
If you have any questions please feel free to submit the form below or email
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If you have not received a response in 24 hours, please leave a comment on the Support page.

In Quicken, click File. Click File Import. At the QIF Import window: Locate the payroll.qif file you saved. Select from the Quicken account to import into drop down. Check Transactions, Special Handling for transfers and Account List. Click Accept All. Quicken 2004 and earlier: In Quicken. To import a QIF file, select 'File' - 'File Import' - 'QIF File', select created QIF file. For Quicken 2017 or earlier, it is important to select 'All Accounts'. For Quicken 2018 or later you have to select the actual account.

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Q: What is the Quicken interchange format (QIF)?

A: The Quicken interchange format (QIF) is a specially formatted text (ASCII) file that lets you to move Quicken transactions:

  • From one Quicken account register into another Quicken account register, or
  • To/From another application that supports the QIF format.

Note: For Quicken to translate data from a text file into the Quicken register as transactions, the text file mustbe in the QIF format.

Required File Formatting:

  • Each transaction must end with a symbol, indicating the end of entry.
  • Each item in the transaction must display on a separate line.
  • When Quicken exports an account register or list, it adds a line to the top of the file that identifies the type of account or list. Listed below are the header lines Quicken adds to the exported files:
HeaderType of data
!Type:BankBank account transactions
!Type:CashCash account transactions
!Type:CCardCredit card account transactions
!Type:InvstInvestment account transactions
!Type:Oth AAsset account transactions
!Type:Oth LLiability account transactions
!AccountAccount list or which account follows
!Type:CatCategory list
!Type:ClassClass list
!Type:MemorizedMemorized transaction list

You can force Quicken to import all transfers, regardless of whether Ignore Transfers is selected when the file is imported. You must add a line to the file being imported into a Quicken account. Use a text editor or word processor to put the following line right after the header line at the top of the file:



Items for Non-Investment Accounts

Each item in a bank, cash, credit card, other liability, or other asset account must begin with a letter that indicates the field in the Quicken register. The non-split items can be in any sequence:

CCleared status
NNum (check or reference number)
AAddress (up to five lines; the sixth line is an optional message)
LCategory (Category/Subcategory/Transfer/Class)
SCategory in split (Category/Transfer/Class)
EMemo in split
$Dollar amount of split
^End of the entry

Note: Repeat the S, E, and $ lines as many times as needed for additional items in a split. If an item is omitted from the transaction in the QIF file, Quicken treats it as a blank item.

Items for Investment Accounts

QQuantity (number of shares or split ratio)
TTransaction amount
CCleared status
PText in the first line for transfers and reminders
LAccount for the transfer
$Amount transferred
^End of the entry
Importing .qif File Into Quicken Deluxe 2018

Items for Account Information

The account header !Account is used in two places-at the start of an account list and the start of a list of transactions to specify to which account they belong.

TType of account
LCredit limit (only for credit card accounts)
/Statement balance date
$Statement balance amount
^End of entry

Items for a Category List

NCategory name:subcategory name
TTax related if included, not tax related if omitted
IIncome category
EExpense category (if category type is unspecified, quicken assumes expense type)
BBudget amount (only in a Budget Amounts QIF file)
RTax schedule information
^End of entry

Items for a Class List

NClass name
^End of entry

Items for a Memorized Transaction List

Immediately preceding the ^ character, each entry must end with one of the following file indicators to specify the transaction type.

  • KC
  • KD
  • KP
  • KI
  • KE

With that exception, memorized transaction entries have the same format as regular transaction entries (non-investment accounts). However, the Date or Num field is included. All items are optional, but if an amortization record is included, all seven amortization lines must also be included.

KCCheck transaction
KDDeposit transaction
KPPayment transaction
KIInvestment transaction
KEElectronic payee transaction
CCleared status
LCategory or Transfer/Class
SCategory/class in split
EMemo in split
$Dollar amount of split
1Amortization: First payment date
2Amortization: Total years for loan
3Amortization: Number of payments already made
4Amortization: Number of periods per year
5Amortization: Interest rate
6Amortization: Current loan balance
7Amortization: Original loan amount
^End of entry

Examples of QIF files

Importing .qif File Into Quicken Deluxe 2018 Software

Normal Transactions Example

Transaction ItemComment (not in file)
D6/ 1/94Date
N1005Check number
PBank Of MortgagePayee
S[linda]First category in split
$-253.64First amount in split
SMort IntSecond category in split
$-746.36Second amount in split
^End of the transaction
D6/ 2/94Date
^End of the transaction
D6/ 3/94Date
PJoBob BiggsPayee
MJ.B. gets bucksMemo
A1010 Rodeo Dr.Address (line 1)
AWaco, TxAddress (line 2)
A80505Address (line 3)
AAddress (line 4)
AAddress (line 5)
AAddress (line 6)
^End of the transaction

Investment Example

Importing .qif File Into Quicken Deluxe 2018Deluxe
Transaction ItemComment (not in file)
!Type:InvstHeader line
NShrsInAction (optional)
CXCleared Status
MOpeningBalance Memo
^End of the transaction
MEst. price as of 8/25/93Memo
L[CHECKING]Account for transfer
$100.00Amount transferred
^End of the transaction

Memorized List Example

Transaction ItemComment (not in file)
!Type:MemorizedHeader line
PJoe HayesPayee
KCCheck transaction
^End of the transaction
T-25.00Company Payee
KPPayment transaction
^End of the transaction
©Intuit Inc. 1997

Importing .qif File Into Quicken Deluxe 2018 Online