Play Disney Princess Enchanted Journey Free

For Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey on the Wii, GameFAQs has 8 cheat codes and secrets. Disneys Princess Enchanted Journey is a game that allows players to explore the magical worlds of Disney's princesses. Kids can create a princess character of your own using a set of customisation options, and control her on a journey through the lands of Snow White, Cinderella, Ariel and Jasmine, helping them on various magical quests.

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Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey is a Disney PrincessVideo Game, released on October 16th, 2007 of PlayStation 2, October 30th, 2007 for the Wii, and on November 27th, 2007 for the PC.

One day, a young girl discovers a pixie in a forest. The pixie leads her to an abandoned, beautiful castle, where she discovers the realms of the Disney Princesses—and also discovers that the realms are in danger due to mischievous creatures called Bogs, who are causing havoc in each of the lands and stealing their time, color, sound, and trust.

In order to become a true princess and save the kingdom of Gentlehaven, the girl must save the Disney worlds one by one with the help of her magic wand. With the power of the wand, she can turn the Bogs into butterflies and undo what their magic has done.

Featured princesses are Ariel from The Little Mermaid, Jasmine from Aladdin, Cinderella from Cinderella, and Snow White from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Belle from Beauty and the Beast is also seen in a bonus world unlocked with passwords, or after clearing the game.


Other games in the series include Disney Princess, Disney Princess Magical Jewels and Disney Princess: My Fairytale Adventure.

This game contains examples of:

  • Action Girl: Your character singlehandedly saves the princess worlds with her magic wand.
  • All There in the Manual: The manual elaborates on the story and reveals the Big Bad, while the game doesn't tell you there is one until the final battle.
  • Always Night: Cinderella's world is stuck in time just before midnight.
  • Anime Hair: Zara's hair is styled into two points like princess hats, and those points have her hair spiraling to the top, where they taper off into two lengths of hair per point. It's easier to see than describe.
  • Big Bad: Zara, who commands the Bogs that have taken over the princess worlds.
  • Bleak Level: Cinderella's world has shades of this; it's Always Night, most of the colors are a muted blue, time is frozen everywhere, there's a creepy forest to traverse, you go to her old home, which is deserted, and at one point the Bogs freeze Cinderella herself, making it the only point where they directly attack a princess. The level even starts with the Bogs freezing Jaq and Gus.
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  • Bonus Level: Belle's world is a short mini-game world accessed after the main story is complete, and beating it unlocks the Golden Set outfit.
  • Bright Castle: Gentlehaven Castle, which is abandoned due to a curse. After you beat the final boss, it's restored to its former glory.
  • Charged Attack: Holding down the magic button will let you cast a powerful area attack.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Fish Bogs are the only ones not to appear in the final battle.
  • Clock Tower: Chapter 3 of Cinderella's world revolves around fixing the clock tower to restore time.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Snow White's world revolves around color-changing puzzles, with red, blue, and green highlighted.
  • Cutscene Incompetence: In the final boss fight, your character just stands there in the cutscenes as the Bogs attack her.
  • Dark Action Girl: Zara commands the Bogs and possesses evil magic of her own.
  • Deliberately Monochrome: The Bogs drain color from Snow White's world, causing this.
  • Demoted to Extra: Belle and her world are only seen for a short game of tag accessed after the story is complete.
  • Disappears into Light: This happens after the final battle with Zara, where the player holds her hand and a flash of light covers the screen.
  • A Dog Named 'Dog': The Pixie is only referred to as a Pixie and doesn't have a proper name.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: This game probably wasn't originally meant for more than one player, as most of the cutscenes only use Player 1's character while Player 2's character stands off to the side or is not used at all, generating this response.
  • Escort Mission: The player has to help Jaq and Gus in Cinderella's world, and Abu in Jasmine's world. Luckily, nothing bad can happen to them if the Bogs reach them.
  • Excessive Evil Eyeshadow: Zara wears excessive blue eyeshadow to accentuate her villainy.
  • Exposition Fairy: The pixie explains what's going on and often gives you advice.
  • Face–Monster Turn: The Bogs are actually captured butterflies that were forced into evil, and return to their natural state once defeated.
  • Fallen Hero: Zara, who's an ex-princess banished for refusing to learn their virtues.
  • Feud Episode: In the first chapter of Snow White's world, the Bogs taking color from the land has made the Dwarfs unable to work as a team.
  • Final-Exam Boss: The battle with Zara has you using all of the abilities you've learned and fighting the different kinds of Bogs, as well as a mini-game.
  • Follow the Money: Gems serve no purpose other than showing you where to go.
  • Giant Poofy Sleeves: Zara's dress has these.
  • Gold Makes Everything Shiny: The bonus outfits from Belle's world are shiny and golden, and once you complete the princess worlds, their outfits and portraits become golden as well.
  • The Goomba: Basic Bogs, who have no special attributes and are defeated very easily.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After you clear the game, the Bogs remaining in Belle's world have become friendly and play a game of tag.
  • High Collar of Doom: Seen on Zara, who wears a blue high collar.
  • Horned Hairdo: Zara's hair is styled into points like princess hats.
  • Hub Level: Gentlehaven Castle is this, and the rooms with portals to the realms are 'previews' to the realm they are going to.
  • If I Can't Have You...: Non-romantic example; this is Zara's motivation for being evil and attacking the princess worlds.
    If I can't be a princess why should anyone else get to be one?
  • Interface Screw: Paintbrush Bogs can make the entire screen monochrome, and Clockwork Bogs slow everything and turn the screen green.
  • Kid Hero: Your character is quite young.
  • Large Ham: Zara, in the tradition of most Disney villains, is very hammy.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Your character can't remember anything other than her name and appearance.
  • Lighter and Softer: The overall game is lighter and softer than the movies the worlds are based on, with more mischievous villains in the Bogs whose problems are easily solved.
  • Magic Wand: The pixie gives your character a wand to combat the Bogs and solve puzzles.
  • The Man Behind the Monsters: The human Zara is the one controlling the Bogs, who are really captured butterflies forced to cause mischief.
  • Marathon Level: Snow White's chapters are very long, as are Cinderella's.
  • Master of Illusion: Genie Bogs' mirages shatter trust in Jasmine's world, and in the final battle they summon mirages of Zara to attack.
  • Me's a Crowd: In the final battle, multiple mirages of Zara appear to attack the player.
  • Mercy Kill: Implied to happen with Zara, who disappears in a flash of light after her defeat when the player asks to hold her hand.
  • Money for Nothing: Gems serve no purpose other than showing you where to go.
  • Non-Human Sidekick: Jaq and Gus in Cinderella's world, and Abu in Jasmine's world, as well as the Pixie.
  • Noob Cave: Ariel's world is the easiest and shortest.
  • Original Generation: The heroine, the pixie, the Bogs, and Zara.
  • Pimped-Out Dress: Present on you as well as the princesses, including Zara.
  • Power Floats: Zara floats above the battlefield in the final battle.
  • Rhythm Game: Ariel and Snow White's worlds have these kinds of games.
  • Scenery Porn: All of the princess worlds are gorgeously detailed, as is Gentlehaven Castle.
  • Shifting Sand Land: Agrabah. Much of the second chapter takes place almost entirely in the desert.
  • Sickly Green Glow: The Bogs' magic is like this, as is Zara's.
  • Spikes of Villainy: Zara's hair is styled into points.
  • Spoiled by the Manual: The manual reveals the Big Bad, while the game doesn't tell you there is one until the final battle.
  • Time Stands Still: The Bogs cause this to happen to Cinderella's world.
  • Title Drop: The prologue has a partial one in the introductory cutscene.
    A very special girl would have to undertake an enchanted journey across magical lands, helping princesses in need.
  • Under the Sea: Ariel's world is almost entirely underwater aside from a brief portion above water in the first chapter.
  • Virtual Paper Doll: You can choose your character's skin tone, dress styles and colors, shoe styles and colors, and accessories.
  • Walking Spoiler: The Big Bad of the game, Princess Zara, only appears at the very end of the game, making her existence a spoiler.
  • Wicked Witch: Zara is referred to as a witch in the manual.
  • Where It All Began: The final boss with Zara takes place in Gentlehaven Castle, which is also the Hub Level.
  • World-Healing Wave: This happens after you beat the final boss, restoring Gentlehaven Castle and everything around it.


Kids who love the Disney Princesses will be overjoyed when they play this game. As the name suggests, Disney Princess: My Fairytale Adventure is a non-violent game suitable for ages 5 and above. It’s an ideal first adventure game for children who are just starting to use the computer, and features many of the familiar characters kids known and love.

Take the role of a fairy godmother

In many Disney adventures, a fairy godmother appears to help the protagonist reach their dreams. In this game, the player is a fairy godmother in training who has a lot to learn. The player gets to meet favorite Disney Princesses including Rapunzel, Tiana, Belle, Cinderella, and Ariel who recruit the main character to help them.

Play Disney Princess Enchanted Journey Free Pc Download

It turns out that it is mostly the main characters fault that the Princesses need help in the first place. The heroine accidentally turned garden sprites into imps earlier, and these imps are what is causing all the trouble.To fix it, the player must solve simple puzzles and collect gems to turn the imps back into sprite and save the day.

Varied gameplay keeps kids entertained

Kids older than 9 may find this game a little too simple, but the activities are varied enough that most younger children 5-7 will find it engaging without being overwhelmed. The tasks are not always the same, and range from fixing bridges to finding characters.

Compared to other Disney Princess games such as Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey, it’s a bit more colorful and detailed. As an added bonus, when visiting the realm of a specific princess such as Belle or Ariel, the player will also be able to visit and interact with popular side characters from that cast.Game play is simple and straight forward, but there are some minor issues with the camera not panning out far enough to show the whole environment, which forces the player to essentially walk into walls in order to find them.

Play Disney Princess Enchanted Journey Free

No tension at all

The game is unique among other Disney games in that there is no tension at all in this game. Unlike many other Disney games that mix up realms and pit heroines against villains in whole new ways, this game was designed not to be even slightly scary.This is what makes it a perfect starting game for small kids, but also why it may not be very exciting for the upper end of this games age range.

This game is very well suited to the kids it is aiming for—young children who love Disney Princesses. While there are a few minor issues with game play, there is no doubt that if the player is a Disney Princess fan, they will love this game. It’s a wonderful starting adventure for new players, and will keep them entertained without scaring them.


  • Fear free game is perfect for a younger crowd
  • Variety in adventures helps keep it from being tedious
  • Custom avatars


  • Camera angle can cause problems
  • Boring for older kids
Overall rating: 9